Excite All Stars

We help kids discover and develop the values that define true victory in the game of life.

Excite All Stars was founded in 2008 as a direct response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and the enormous toll its effect had on the children and youth of the Greater New Orleans area and beyond, we sprang into action. Our overall mission then and now is to provide positive opportunities and experiences for youth between the ages of 6-15 years of age that will assist them in becoming individuals who will make a powerful impact on their communities now and well into adulthood, having a multi-generational impact. This mission is accomplished through the implementation of DIY’s proven summer and year around enrichment programing. Developing a comprehensive multifaceted curriculum and program, to address the “whole child”, we established an all-inclusive approach combining academics, the arts, athletics, nutrition and good stewardship programming under the umbrella, Excite! All Stars.

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